Greetings fellow Riders and Adventurers,
We are many weeks into this current reality that is COVID-19 and the Social Distancing requirements that came along with it. I apologize for not posting earlier but I guess I was, somewhere in the back of my mind, thinking it would be back to normal sooner rather than later. Depending on where you are in the world, you may be experiencing very different conditions than just a few weeks back, and BlackSwanMoto is in a similar situation.
California was quick to adopt Social Distancing measures which quickly affected BlackSwanMoto’s training and event schedule. California moved quickly to restrict special events and gatherings at state parks, including the State Vehicular Recreation Area’s (SVRA) that we use to hold training classes. As such we have been forced to cancel all of our classes scheduled through May 22nd, and have been warned that it will likely be extended into June. We are in regular contact with park administrators and monitoring the situation.
Our hopes are that we may be able to get in a class or two in June, if restrictions are lifted in time. We will notify those of you that were previously scheduled for classes that were canceled first, then offer spots to our mailing list. We are expecting an update around May 15th.
In the mean time, there are things we can all be doing to make sure we and our bikes are ready when the gate drops! Go over your bike inch by inch, torx wrench in hand. Check your cotter pins on the rear brake linkage, trust me! Mine was missing. Also, if you have taken one of our two-day classes you know that with only a 4 meter by 4 meter square of open ground, say in your back yard or driveway, you should be doing circles, really slow ones! Heck just spend some time pushing your bike around, getting used to its balance.
Remember to stay safe and healthy, and when and if you do…Ride safe!
Michael Spencer
General Manager/Owner
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