adventure, Newsletter, Ride Report
BlackSwanMoto Baja Explorer 4-Day Tour, January 2018
– Ride Report –
BlackSwanMoto Baja Explorer 4-Day Tour, January 2018Northern Baja in early January made for challenging riding conditions, but that’s what Adventure riding is all about. Rainy weather had us make the decision to reverse our normal route and we headed out from Tecate mid morning making our way via back roads to Ensenada for some tasty tacos from one of many favorite stands on this tour. After lunch, we headed south and decided to stop for some hot coffee and chocolate before venturing into the dirt towards our destination for the evening, Coyote Cal’s.
BlackSwanMoto Baja Explorer 4-Day Tour, January 2018Northern Baja in early January made for challenging riding conditions, but that’s what Adventure riding is all about. Rainy weather had us make the decision to reverse our normal route and we headed out from Tecate mid morning making our way via back roads to Ensenada for some tasty tacos from one of many favorite stands on this tour. After lunch, we headed south and decided to stop for some hot coffee and chocolate before venturing into the dirt towards our destination for the evening, Coyote Cal’s.
After a little bit of mud just off the road, our first bit a dirt turned out to be perfect! An easy ride to the coast and then down the hill to Cals. We treated ourselves to some delicious Thai Lobster then ice cream for desert.
Day 2 started out with an easy little bit of dirt back to the pavement for a bit, as we continued south, then back to the coast to see the shipwreck, before heading along the sea to La Cueva del Pirata (Pirates Cove) for lunch, excellent fish tacos!. We did find a little mud along the way, just adding to the adventure!.
The absolute treat for the day though was riding on the beach in San Quintin, it was a blast! With secure parking and friendly hosts, The Old Mill Inn was our accommodation for the night, . We look forward to visiting again soon, as they are just completing an expansion to the resturaunt and it looks amazing!
Day 3 had us returning north a ways then cutting thought the mountains via dirt roads to Valle de Trinidad, to visit another favorite taco stop, before heading up the mountain to our final night on the tour at Mike’s Sky Rancho. The recent rains left the normally sandy road spotted with an abundance of mud puddles! Most weren’t deep and it turned into a bit of puddle jumping, great fun!
Day 4, our final day on the tour. We head back down the mountain, crossing the creek as we leave then heading north back toward Tecate, but we are not on this tour to take the direct route! Another 60 miles for dirt roads today, hitting 5000ft elevation and then finally back to the border for one final taco stop!
Amazing roads, food and the always welcoming people of Baja were enjoyed by all. Touring is all about exploration, of people and places, and this ride did not disappoint! Check out some trip highlights in the photos on our Facebook page.
Let BlackSwanMoto show you Baja like no one else can, our last Baja tour of the season is coming up in June, join us and make the tour yours!
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