New classes at Hungry Valley in Southern California!
Good News!
We have finally been able get things setup to begin training again at Hungry Valley SVRA. Classes will be limited to just four students at this time, and will be subject to current State Safe Reopening guidelines.
There are some enhanced safety protocols with regards to social distancing and hygiene, including reduced class sizes. You may view our Safe Re-Opening Plan by clicking here. With the required reduction of class size we will not be running concurrent BASICS and ARTS classes (at this time.) Each class will have separate dates for the time being.
Our current Schedule:
ADV Rider Basics Class September 26/27th @ Prairie city **Class Full**
ADV Rider Basics Class October 10/11th @ Hungry Valley **Limited to 4 Spots**
ADV ARTS(I) Class October 17/18th @ Prairie City ** 3 Spots Remaining
ADV Rider Basics Class October 24/25th @ Prairie city ** 4 Spots Remaining
ADV Rider Basics Class October 24/25th @ Hungry Valley **Limited to 4 Spots**
More dates will follow as we confirm them so keep checking the Schedule Page.
We thank you for your patience and your interest, and we look forward to riding with you all very soon!
Any questions please do not hesitate contact me!
Michael Spencer
General Manager/Owner
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